215 Sanders St, Suite 101,
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0
We are open
Monday - Friday:
8:30am ‑ 4:00pm

Seniors Active Living Centre (SALC)


Seniors’ Centre Without Walls

Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) is only a phone call away!

Through the use of multi-person phone calls, SCWW provides the opportunity for participants to join in on health and wellness seminars, educational lectures, brain-stimulating activities, listen to live musical entertainment, join in on general conversations, and make new and meaningful friendships – all from the comfort of home! It works just the same as attending a class or a lecture at the centre, but instead it is facilitated over the telephone.

Some of the programs include Name that Tune, Short Stories and Trivia. A great way to spend half an hour connecting with friends.

Diners club

The Diners' Club is a social lunch at the centre each Wednesday. A hot meal is prepared and served by volunteers in the comfort of the dining room. A wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends, old and new. Guest speakers are scheduled throughout the year.

Enjoy themed lunches celebrating the holidays throughout the year! Reservations must be made the day before 12:00 pm.

Activities at the Centre

Seniors' Community Services offers a wide variety of fun activities held weekly at the centre including:

  • Euchre
  • Skip-Bo
  • Cribbage


Yak & Yarn is a weekly gathering at the SCS Centre for those who love to knit, crochet, quilt and craft. Experienced or a newbie, it is a wonderful opportunity to get together and share skills, ideas and fun.

exercise classes

Stretch and Strengthen Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held at the Centre and provide a well-rounded exercise program to increase balance, strengthen core and help with overall range of motion. Classes focus on increasing coordination, mobility, strength and feeling good!

A trained instructor will lead and support you to a healthier, more active lifestyle.


Beginners Hatha Yoga for seniors offered by Yoga instructor Sandy Guest.

Yoga is an anti-aging practice. It promotes the feeling of well-being by toning both the body and mind. It helps to maintain coordination, flexibility and, balance and improves our agility. Most yoga poses are designed to create space in our bodies. Lengthening the spine in downward dog and child creates space between each vertebra, which then improves nerve conduction to all organs, so everything is working and flows better. Also, as we age, our bones lose density and our joints become stiff. A gentle yoga practice slows the loss of bone density and relieves bone and joint pain.

day trips

If you are looking to add some creative flair in 2025 look no further!

The Scribbling Seniors started in 2024 and has been a HUGE success!

We have a couple of spots left for our January/February session.

A welcoming, fun space to write, create, socialize and learn.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613‑258‑3203 to join in!

day trips

Therapeutic Art for Seniors is back!

This is an eight-week art therapy group with the same group members each week. It will be facilitated by Painted Key Art Therapy art therapist Patricia and art therapy student KiKi. All materials are provided. Each week a different art activity will be introduced, however there will always be a variety of art materials available to choose from. Patricia will provide instruction and hands-on assistance when needed. Art projects and themes will be determined each week by the interests of the people attending the group.

Examples of art activities: experimenting with watercolor, printing with acrylic paint, clay sculptures, mixed-media collage, creating a memory box, working with materials from nature, pour painting. No previous art experience is required! This art group is about enjoying the process of making art for the therapeutic benefits such as relaxation, stress reduction, fun and connection.


Seniors’ Community Services workshops are designed to create an interactive and learning environment for participants to learn, express creativity and socialize. Decreasing loneliness and encouraging group activities with new experiences.

day trips

Seniors’ Community Services day trips provide an opportunity to experience new and exciting people, places and things. All the organizing is done by SCS. All you have to do is get on the bus and enjoy.

For more information about all programming please call us at 613-258-3203 or email us at

Today's Activities

1:00 PM

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Registered Charity BN 118979111RR0001

P.O. Box 1192
215 Sanders St, Suite 101,
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0
We are open
Monday - Friday:
8:30am ‑ 4:00pm
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Kemptville and District Home Support Inc. is a charitable, non-profit organization operating as Seniors' Community Services.

Seniors’ Community Services is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of individuals accessing services, staff members, volunteers, and other stakeholders as required by Canadian Privacy Legislation.